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st: RE: Code help

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Code help
Date   Tue, 12 Nov 2002 12:43:12 -0000

[email protected]
> 	I have a large dta file set up containg survival
> information for
> about 500,000 cancer patients in a ceratin area.  I wish to
> set up a dofile
> which will produce tables of relative survival for certain groups of
> patients.
> 	In total I want to produce 72 seperate tables for
> patients split
> into groups of sex (males, females, both sexes combined),
> diagnosis year
> (diagnosed between 1981/1985, 1986/1990, 1991/1995) and age
> at diagnosis
> (aged between 14/44, 45/54, 55/64, 65/74, 75/84, 85/99,
> 15/74, 15/99).
> 	Thus the first table I wish to produce will be for
> males diagnosed
> between 1981 and 1985 aged between 14 and 44.
> 	Thus the second table I wish to produce will be for
> males diagnosed
> between 1981 and 1985 aged between 45 and 54.
> 	...
> 	Thus the seventy first table I wish to produce will
> be for both
> sexes combined diagnosed between 1991 and 1995 aged between
> 15 and 74.
> 	Thus the seventy second table I wish to produce will
> be for both
> sexes combined diagnosed between 1991 and 1995 aged between
> 15 and 99.
> 	I know it seems strange wanting to produce 72 tables
> all at once but
> I will be repeating this process over and over again for
> different dta files
> so a do-file is a must.
> 	I have the code in place to work through this as
> detailed below with
> one glorious omission.  I am unsure where to include the command:
> 	use ***********.dta
> 	The do-file I have set up is below, and help or
> advice would be most
> appreciated.
> 	Christopher D Fergusson
> local c=1
> while `c'<=3 {
> 	if `c'==1 {
> 		qui keep if sex==1
> 	}
> 	else if `c'==2 {
> 		qui keep if sex==2
> 	}
> 	else if `c'==3 {
> 		qui drop if sex==3
> 	}
> 	local b=1
> 	while `b'<=3 {
> 		if `b'==1 {
> 			qui keep if diagyr>=1981
> 			qui keep if diagyr<=1985
> 		}
> 		else if `b'==2 {
> 			qui keep if diagyr>=1986
> 			qui keep if diagyr<=1990
> 		}
> 		else if `b'==3 {
> 			qui keep if diagyr>=1991
> 			qui keep if diagyr<=1995
> 		}
> 		local a=1
> 		while `a'<=8 {
> 			if `a'==1 {
> 				qui keep if aadx>=14
> 				qui keep if aadx<=44
> 			}
> 			else if `a'==2 {
> 				qui keep if aadx>=45
> 				qui keep if aadx<=54
> 			}
> 			else if `a'==3 {
> 				qui keep if aadx>=55
> 				qui keep if aadx<=64
> 			}
> 			else if `a'==4 {
> 				qui keep if aadx>=65
> 				qui keep if aadx<=74
> 			}
> 			else if `a'==5 {
> 				qui keep if aadx>=75
> 				qui keep if aadx<=84
> 			}
> 			else if `a'==6 {
> 				qui keep if aadx>=85
> 				qui keep if aadx<=99
> 			}
> 			else if `a'==7 {
> 				qui keep if aadx>=15
> 				qui keep if aadx<=74
> 			}
> 			else if `a'==8 {
> 				qui keep if aadx>=15
> 				qui keep if aadx<=99
> 			}
> 			display "a is `a'; b is `b'; c is `c'"
> /*The following 4 lines produce the relative survival tables*/
> 			stset ageexit, failure(status=1) origin(aadx)
> 			sts list, at(0 1 2 3 4 5)
> 			stset ageexit status, time0(aadx)
> 			strel2,
> br(0[.1]1[.25]3[.5]5[1]10)using(life8196.dta)mergeby(period
> sex age)group(1)
> continue
> 			local a=`a'+1
> 		}
> 		local b=`b'+1
> 	}
> 	local c=`c'+1
> 	}

My experience is that doing it this way is going to be
much more difficult to get right and to
modify than something more simple-minded.

There is a core of stuff you want to
do which can be put in a program

program def mytable
	version 7
	syntax [if]
	stset ageexit `if', failure(status=1) origin(aadx)
	sts list `if', at(0 1 2 3 4 5)
	stset ageexit status `if', time0(aadx)

Note that the -if- condition supplied
to -mytable- should be echoed to each
command as appropriate.

Then your do file can be a series of calls
to -mytable-

* `1' will be the dta file specified
use `"`1'"'
mytable if sex == 1 & inrange(aadx,14,44) & inrange(diagyr,1981,1985)
mytable if inrange(aadx,15,99) & inrange(diagyr,1991,1995)

and at the command line you type

do mydo "whatever.dta"

[email protected]

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