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st: basic question about varlist

From   "Radu Ban" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: basic question about varlist
Date   Tue, 5 Nov 2002 13:36:43 -0500

I placed a list of variables in a local using abbreviations recognized by

local outcomes "var1-var10 othervar* ..."

How can I get Stata to read it as a varlist so that i can tokenize it

Here's what I need this for: I have defined several regressions:
local reg1 "reg `1' varlist1"
local reg2 "reg `1' varlist2"
I want to run these regressions for all the outcome variables in the above
mentioned list and I want to capture the coefficients and errors in scalars
indexed by the nr of the outcome variable. So to begin, I want to know how
to read that list as a varlist.

Thanks in advance,

Radu Ban

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