Roger Newson
> However, even if I do specify the axis labels and/or
> scales, -graph- still
> complains in the same way:
> . list gpm in 1
> gpm
> 1. .0243902
> . grap gpm weight in 1,ylog ylab(0.01 0.02 0.03)
> nonpositive values encountered
> r(411);
> . grap gpm weight in 1,ylog ylab(0.01 0.02 0.03) ysc(0.01 0.03)
> nonpositive values encountered
> r(411);
> In these cases, there is no need for Stata to guess default
> axis widths and
> to encounter non-positive values.
Indeed. Evidently the order Stata
follows is (for concreteness, y axis here as example):
1. a. determine range of values to be plotted on
y axis
b. if it's 0, stretch interval to be plotted to [value - 1,
value + 1]).
2. determine whether -yla()- or -ysc()- settings change
I think you are right insofar as 1b. could conceivably
follow 2.
[email protected]
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