Christopher Olola wrote [with HTML attachment: please
see FAQ and pay attention to a concurrent thread!!!]
> I seek your help ....I have data being entered by two
> different clerks (resulting in two datasets - pig1 and
> pig2). Verification of the 2 files (program used), results
> in a text file being generated with discrepancy errors.
> Using stata (infile), after formatting the ASCII file, I
> get a *.dta with contents snippet as....
> date paxno entry var
> val
> 1. 00/07/02 02054 pig1: PCO2
> 01.6
> 2. 00/07/02 XXXXX pig2: PCO2
> 01.3
> 3. 00/07/02 02059 pig1: TRANSFUSED
> 2
> 4. 00/07/02 XXXXX pig2: TRANSFUSED
> 1
> 5. 00/07/02 02067 pig1: DTIME
> 1930
> 6. 00/07/02 XXXXX pig2: DTIME
> 1920
> 7. 00/07/02 02067 pig1: HCTSOURCE 3
> 8. 00/07/02 XXXXX pig2: HCTSOURCE 1
> 9. 00/07/02 02068 pig1: TEMP
> 37.5
> 10. 00/07/02 XXXXX pig2: TEMP
> 37.8
> 11. 00/07/02 02069 pig1: WEIGHT
> 06.5
> 12. 00/07/02 XXXXX pig2: WEIGHT
> 06.8
> problem:
> 1. I wish to replace XXXXX in variable "paxno" with the
> preceding paxno's value (valid value).
. replace paxno = paxno[_n-1] if paxno == "XXXXX"
See How can I replace missing values with previous or
following nonmissing values?
for relevant background.
> 2. Each two consecutive records belong tdiscrepancy patient
> and varibale "val" indicates the discrepacy between the two
> entries made by two clerks.
What's the question here?
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