Thomas Steichen and Rodrigo Brice�o wrote on Outlook features:
> I would fix it if I could... but I cannot. So please try
> to understand that it is the technology we are using that
> is causing these problems and not an intent to ignore the
> lowest-common-denominator technological standards of the
> list.
A common misconception is that this and other lists requirements
are set according to a supposed lowest-common-denominator of
technological standards.
I am afraid that you are rather stuck with flawed technology. One
could possibly imagine that given a large enough number of
dissatisfied users, your sysadmin might open up his eyes. And if not,
then why not use a private account and a decent mail user agent?
This is nothing personal, but I imagine not being alone to be
bothered with winmail attachements and other obscure features that
are not desirable, as clearly stated in the list's FAQ.
Philippe Glaziou <[email protected]>
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