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Re: st: String to date

From   cb23 <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: String to date
Date   Wed, 30 Oct 2002 16:17:37 +0000

There is an easier way, two as far as I can see.

You can split the string up based on

i) the positioning of the .
ii) the consistent locations of the numbers.

So for the simplest case of ii) you could

compress dob
gen str2 dob_day = substr(dob,1,2)
gen str2 dob_month = substr(dob,3,2)
gen str2 dob_year = substr(dob,5,2)
destring dob_*, replace
gen dob1 = mdy(dob_day,dob_month,dob_year)
format dob1 %d

"Ganesh, Saravana" wrote:
> Dear Statalisters
> I have a dataset in which the date of birth(dob) is entered in the
> format 01.08.45( Stata has recognised this as a string (str11)
> variable. Is there an easier way of making this as date format or do I
> have to painfully retype all the values in the variable as dates
> recognised by STATA?
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> ganesh
> Mr J Saravana Ganesh FRCS(Ed. & Glasg.)
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