Scott Talkington <[email protected]> writes,
> I'm attempting to read [...] a fixed format infile dictionary. The file has
> a record length of 12000. I either get an error telling me that the record
> is too long, or if I define lrecl specifically a message that 12000 isn't
> allowed. (The limit appears to be something like 7,999?)
I have good news. The limit was recently increased from 7,998 to 32,767.
Scott needs to update his Stata by typing
. update query
and then following the instructions.
We changed the limit at the same time we released Stata/SE; the change was
made for all versions of Stata -- Stata and Stata/SE -- on all operating
Sadly, we forgot to update -help limits- or to tell anyone about the
We will update limits.hlp the in the next ado-file update.
-- Bill
[email protected]
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