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Re: st: Clarification of prior message

From   "Pedro Martins" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Clarification of prior message
Date   Wed, 23 Oct 2002 20:21:54 +0100

have you tried:
reshape long nmi, iis(wku)
after labelling each author in a set of nmi1, nmi2, ... variables?
pedro martins

Pedro Martins
Department of Economics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

Tel: +44/0 24765 28418
Fax: +44/0 24765 23032
Email: [email protected]

>>> [email protected] 10/23/02 08:14PM >>>
Until I got a received the copy of the message I just sent out, I didn't
realize how the formatting could get messed up.  Since that could make
the nature of my problem somewhat unclear, let me repost it, with some
slight reformatting.  My apologies for any possible confusion. --Glenn


Hoping someone can help me with a problem involving dividing up a
variable. My data consists of patent numbers (wku) and inventors (nmi)
and looks like this:

Record 1
NMI: Schmitt, Ty; Gandre, Jerry   WKU: 5586003

Record 2
NMI: Sato, N. Albert; Baker, David C.; Waldron, Christie J.	  WKU:

Record 3
NMI: Swamy, N. Deepak	WKU: 5587885

I would like it to look like this:

nmi				wku 
Schmitt, Ty 		5586003
Gandre, Jerry		5586003
Sato, N. Albert 		5586324
Baker, David C. 		5586324
Waldron, Christie J.	5586324
Swamy, N. Deepak		5587885

That is, I want to create a record containing each inventor and his or
her associated patent number.  If Ty Schmitt had five patents, he should
show up in five records.  The number of inventors per patent varies from
one to many.

I've looked for egen functions (and their extensions) and done some
experimenting, but am floundering.  Any help would be very appreciated!

Glenn H.

Glenn Hoetker
Assistant Professor of Strategy
Department of Business Administration
University of Michigan at Urbana-Champaign
[email protected] 

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