stas> A clear example of where it would be beneficial is the Monte
Carlo / stas> bootstrap situations. As long as both are implemented
as ado files rather stas> than internal commands, there would be no
benefits from trying to run it stas> in a multiprocessor environment,
I am afraid :(.
I don't see the need for multithreading, Beowulf, etc. if one has a
gazillion MCs or BS estimates to compute. I have three Unix boxes; when I
need to do a whole lotta simulations, I just have box 1 run the simuls for
sample sizes n1-n2, box 2 those for n3-n4, box 3 for n5-n6 and n7-n8 (since
one of them is a multiprocessor Sun, I can run more than one Stata process
running on it without slowing down the other). When all those jobs are
done, I have a bunch of .dta files which Stata will be happy to append into
the final set of MC results.