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Re: st: SAS to Stata

From   Ted Anagnoson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: SAS to Stata
Date   Sun, 20 Oct 2002 21:02:35 -0700


insheet, infile and infix are all for raw data. Once your data are in SAS format, you can:

1. convert it to Stata directly with Stat/Transfer or dbms/Copy or ? Then you run Stata commands on the Stata data set.
2. Output raw data in comma delimited format or tab delimited format -- then use insheet, infile, or infix. But you would have to input variable and value labels, missing data, all that -- all over again. Then you have a Stata data set and you run Stata commands on it.

Hope this helps.

Ted Anagnoson
Political Science
California State Univ., Los Angeles

At 09:38 PM 10/20/02 -0500, you wrote:

I have a series of SAS data sets to be transformed into Stata as Stata is more flexible to do some post estimation analysis than SAS does. I can use some data transfer programs like DBMSCOPY, but not as reproducible as using some commands directly in Stata. Any suggestions? They are already in SAS data format. I looked into and tried commands such as insheet, infile, and infix, and it seems that they are not well suited for it. Really appreciate.

Jun Xu
Department of Sociology
Indiana University at Bloomington

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