Decimals in float are stored differently than displayed. Now, assume that
variable x=0.2 and it is stored in float and displays as a %9.2g. If I execute
the command replace x=0.3 if x==0.2 no change is made. This is because the
number 0.2 is stored as a number between 0.2 and 0.3 (?). The manual suggest to
either write the command as replace x=0.3 if x==float(0.2), or to recast the
Float into a Double. While the first option seem to work fine, the second
doesn't. My question is: how can I get rid of the Float stored format and
actually have a 0.2 recognized as a 0.2?
Gero Carletto
Development Research Group
Room # MC3-554
The World Bank - 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433
tel: (202) 473-1377 Fax: (202) 522-1153
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