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st: Re: maintaining the user site

From   Christopher F Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: maintaining the user site
Date   Fri, 18 Oct 2002 07:58:38 -0400

--On Friday, October 18, 2002 2:33 -0400 Roger wrote:

The specific application that got me thinking along these lines was
website  maintenance. In my website (under construction at   ), I have multiple .htm files,
.toc files,  .pkg files, .zip files, .ado files and .do files. When I add
packages to my website, I run a Stata program that reads all the .pkg
files, collects the title line in each one, and generates lists of
packages  in the .toc files and in tables in the .htm files. A package
such as  - -intext- would make it easier to add further bells and
whistles. However,  there are probably many other file-bashing
applications where this approach  would be less bother, and more
reliable, than a mixture of manual text  editing and DOS scripts.
One word of advice: perl.

It works for me (and since Alan Riley's improvement of one of the key scripts, it works even better now!)

Trivially simple to handle the files in a directory and generate the sort of thing you describe in perl. (Yes, probably can do it in python, too...)


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