If you have ever given the ssc desc (letter) command, e.g. ssc desc a, you
will have found that the routines listed are in no particular order and
often contain duplicate listings. Courtesy of Alan Riley of StataCorp, who
has cleaned up my perl code for generating/maintaining these 27 (a-z,_)
stata.toc files, the listings now are much more attractive--in alphabetical
order, and free of duplicates. Thanks again to Alan.
The lexicographic reader might be interested to note that the only letter
of the alphabet that Stata authors have not made use of is 'y'. Why I do
not know. It so happens that there are no official Stata commands starting
with 'y', either--just a bunch of timeseries functions having to do with
yearly data. Perhaps what we need from Nick Cox's graphics workshop is the
'yetigraph' -- comes out as white-on-white, providing ultimate security for
highly sensitive empirical findings.