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st: RE: RE: RE: Including a matrix in a monte carlo simulation

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: RE: Including a matrix in a monte carlo simulation
Date   Wed, 16 Oct 2002 21:08:55 +0100

Nevo, Dorit
> I'm not sure I'm going in the right direction so I'm 
> pasting the full
> program below. I am trying to calculate the mean and 
> standard error of
> sigma. I need quite a few calculations along the was so I tried to
> generalize on the basic monte carlo example that I found in 
> the reference
> book and online.
> By the time I create the matrix Fc should already be 
> calculated. It works
> fine without the matrix command so I'm not sure why the 
> problem occurred.
> Dorit
> program define aes_monte
> 	version 7.0
> 	if "`1'" == "?" {
> 		global S_1" mean var"
> 		exit
> 	}
> 	drop _all
> 	set obs 3000
>      	gen B0 = -.0353521 
> 	gen R =  .5022559 + .0403609*invnorm(uniform())  
>      	gen Dc = -.3476753 + .0700479*invnorm(uniform())
>      	gen Dk = .3394081 + .0281788*invnorm(uniform())
>     	gen Bcc = -.0106232 + .0030351*invnorm(uniform())
>      	gen Bkk = .0782757 +  .0023668*invnorm(uniform())
>      	gen Bll = .0859557 + .0030879*invnorm(uniform()) 
>      	gen Bck = .0217035 + .002353*invnorm(uniform()) 
>      	gen Bcl = .0066442 +  .0040709*invnorm(uniform())
>      	gen Bkl = -.1821175 + .0040324*invnorm(uniform())
> 	gen C = 14.86249
> 	gen lnC = 2.69884
> 	gen K = 576.6429
> 	gen lnK = 6.357223
> 	gen L = 486.6226
> 	gen lnL = 6.187489
> 	gen V =exp(B0 - (1/R)*ln(Dc*(C^(-R)) + Dk*(K^(-R)) +
> (1-Dc-Dk)*(L^(-R))) + Bcc*(lnC^2) + Bkk*(lnK^2) + 
> Bll*(lnL^2) + Bck*lnC*lnK
> + Bcl*lnC*lnL + Bkl*lnK*lnL)
> 	gen Z = Dc*C^(-R)+Dk*K^(-R)+(1-Dc-Dk)*L^(-R)
>  	gen Fc = V*(Dc*C^(-R-1)/Z+Bck/C*lnK+Bcl/C*lnL+2*Bcc/C*lnC)
>  	gen Fk = V*(Dk*K^(-R-1)/Z+Bck/K*lnC+Bkl/K*lnL+2*Bkk/K*lnK)
>  	gen Fl = 
> V*((1-Dc-Dk)*L^(-R-1)/Z+Bcl/L*lnC+Bkl/L*lnK+2*Bll/L*lnL)
>  	gen Fcc = Fc^2/V - Fc/C +
> V*((-R*Dc*C^(-R-2))/Z+(Dc^2*C^(-2*R-2)*R)/Z^2+2*Bcc/C^2)
> 	gen Fkk = Fk^2/V - Fk/K +
> V*((-R*Dk*K^(-R-2))/Z+(Dk^2*K^(-2*R-2)*R)/Z^2+2*Bkk/K^2)
> 	gen Fll = Fl^2/V - Fl/L +
> V*((-R*(1-Dc-Dk)*L^(-R-2))/Z+((1-Dc-Dk)^2*L^(-2*R-2)*R)/Z^2+
> 2*Bll/L^2)
>  	gen Fck = (Fc*Fk)/V + 
> V*((R*Dc*Dk*C^(-R-1)*K^(-R-1)/Z^2)+Bck/(C*K))
> 	gen Fcl = (Fc*Fl)/V +
> V*((R*Dc*(1-Dc-Dk)*C^(-R-1)*L^(-R-1)/Z^2)+Bcl/(C*L))
> 	gen Fkl = (Fk*Fl)/V +
> V*((R*Dk*(1-Dc-Dk)*K^(-R-1)*L^(-R-1)/Z^2)+Bkl/(K*L))
> 	matrix H = (0,Fc,Fk, Fl\Fc, Fcc,
> Fck,Fcl\Fk,Fck,Fkk,Fkl\Fl,Fcl,Fkl,Fll)
> 	gen detH = det(H)
> 	matrix Hck = (0,Fc,Fl\Fk,Fkc,Fkl\Fl,Flc,Fll)
> 	gen detHck = det(Hck)
> 	gen sigma_ck =  ((C*Fc+K*Fk+L*Fl)/(C*K))*(-detHck/detH)
> 	summarize sigma_ck
> 	post `1' (r(mean)) (r(Var))
> end

The bottom line here is that det(H) is a matrix 
function yielding one number. Putting the result 
in a variable with 3000 obs will just give you 3000 copies 
of the same number. Therefore, as I understand 
it, you may need, within this file, to loop over observations, 
to extract 16 numbers from each observation and get the determinant
in each case. 

However, there is a yet wider context -- this is being called 
by something else, presumably -simul-. 

Despite the fearsome singularity(*) of these calculations,
it looks as if everything is done row-wise:
that is, should all these done as scalar operations 
and the 3000 replications conducted via -simul-? 

[email protected] 

(*) pun 
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