Scott R. Millis ([email protected]) wrote
> (1) In Stata 7, when I issue the following command: findit glmcorr,
> Stata is unable to locate this ado file at
> Why?
The crawler for -net search- (used by -findit-) follows all the links
to packages found in stata.toc files on sites that it indexes.
It appears that neither -gcause- nor -glmcorr- are listed in
the "g" toc file in the SSC archives:
. net from ""
The -net search- crawler merely follows the links in .toc and .pkg
files to build its index. If -gcause- and -glmcorr- are added to
the stata.toc for bocode/g/ then the crawler should find and index
them tonight.
([email protected])
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