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st: Re: graph size

From   [email protected] (Alan Riley)
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: graph size
Date   Mon, 14 Oct 2002 13:23:48 -0500

Hakon Finne ([email protected]) wrote
> -graph using x.gph- does not display the graph with the aspect ratio
> (xsize() ysize()) with which the x.gph file was produced, but with the 6x4
> default size of Stata. I am using Intercooled Stata 7 for Windows born 11
> Jun 2002. This bug has entered after the initial release of Stata 7.
> However, running the initial release on graphs produced with more recent
> releases produces an error message to the effect that the graph format has
> changed and a newer version of Stata is required to display the graph.

I tested going back to the first executable for Stata 7, born 15 Dec 2000,
and the behavior of -graph using- is the same as it is now.

The reason for the behavior is that -graph using- must initialize
a graphics context inside Stata and create the Graph window before
the graph is actually read in.  This, to Stata, -graph using-
is just another -graph- command, and the initialization call
which sets the size of the Graph window is made before the .gph
file is read.

It could be argued that -graph using- should be 'smart' and look ahead
at the graph it is about to read in to find the size in it.  However,
it is unclear what should happen if multiple graphs are specified
with -graph using-.

The size for -graph using-, like all other -graph- commands, must
currently be set either with the -xsize()- and -ysize()- options
on the -graph- command.  If these options are not specified,
the default size in the Graph preferences will be used.

([email protected])
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