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st: Re: currency of user-written packages

From   Christopher F Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: currency of user-written packages
Date   Sat, 05 Oct 2002 08:20:00 -0400

--On Saturday, October 5, 2002 2:33 -0400 Roger wrote:

Also the only source for -reformat- picked up by -net search reformat-
(which I usually access via the 'Help' menu) is the SSC version at  I'm too new to Stata and Statalist
to  fully understand the protocol here, but maybe either Tony needs to
register  his site somehow so it's found by -net search-, or send the
latest version  of -reformat- to the SSC??

I'm finding the whole business of making sure you've got the latest
version  of user-written packages is starting to irritate me just at the
moment.. So  apologies if the above was a bit curt.  I do appreciate the
work put in by  Tony Brady on -reformat-, John Hendrickx on -outreg- and
all the other  people who write programs and make them available to the
wider Stata  community.
There is some work going on, provoked by earlier discussions of this issue on the list, to try to make this process work better. I will agree with one of my coauthors that Stata itself can become very confused when there are multiple versions of the same ado on the adopath, and you try to update the routine.

As part of this effort, we have added a Distribution-Date to all ssc descriptions, which display when the ssc describe command is used, as well as in web browser accesses of the modules. This does not describe which version of the code is contained in the file, but it does indicate that it has been updated. In the case of reformat, I believe that the ssc copy of up-to-date vs Tony's site. Also note that you need not download the routine to examine its version number (where that exists); e.g. ssc type reformat.ado will display the routine currently available from the archive.

It is rather important that authors of materials in ssc ensure that I have the latest version in the archive. Many ssc authors are very cooperative in that regard, and faithfully provide any revised versions for posting on the archive. This is particularly important where the author also provides direct access to her materials.

Christopher F Baum, Boston College Economics, Chestnut Hill MA 02467 USA
[email protected]

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