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Re: st: how to make xi dummies inherit labels

From   Roger Harbord <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: how to make xi dummies inherit labels
Date   Fri, 04 Oct 2002 09:57:29 +0100

If version 1.1.3 is available from there's something wrong with the way it's interfacing with -net- :

__________Stata output starts______________________________________
. about

Stata/SE 7.0 for Windows 98/95/NT
Born 11 June 2002
Copyright (C) 1985-2002

Total physical memory: 261668 KB
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. which reformat
*! version 1.0.2 9mar00 arb
*! Reformats the output from regression commands

. net from
Programs from Sealed Envelope Ltd

These programs are provided by Sealed Envelope Ltd.
For more details on their use visit

PACKAGES you could -net describe-:
reformat Reformat regression output
xtab Tabulate longitudinal data
xfill Fill in static variables in longitudinal data
xcount Count longitudinal data

. net install reformat
checking reformat consistency and verifying not already installed...
all files already exist and are up-to-date.

. which reformat
*! version 1.0.2 9mar00 arb
*! Reformats the output from regression commands

__________Stata output ends___________________________________________

So I still have version 1.0.2! I originally installed this from SSC I think. I don't know how -net- decides that my files are up-to-date.

Also the only source for -reformat- picked up by -net search reformat- (which I usually access via the 'Help' menu) is the SSC version at I'm too new to Stata and Statalist to fully understand the protocol here, but maybe either Tony needs to register his site somehow so it's found by -net search-, or send the latest version of -reformat- to the SSC??

I'm finding the whole business of making sure you've got the latest version of user-written packages is starting to irritate me just at the moment.. So apologies if the above was a bit curt. I do appreciate the work put in by Tony Brady on -reformat-, John Hendrickx on -outreg- and all the other people who write programs and make them available to the wider Stata community.

Roger Harbord mailto:[email protected]
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol

--On 03 October 2002 21:34 +0100 Tony Brady <[email protected]> wrote:

Roger Harbord <[email protected]> asked

"Is there a way to make the dummy variables created by -xi- inherit their
variable labels from the value labels of the variable in question?"

and went on to report that -reformat- failed to pick up these value
labels. I wrote -reformat- specifically to do this as I was fed up with
labelling my variables and values nicely only to be faced with
incomprehensible terms like "_Iage10yr2_2" in my regression output. I
suspect the reason that -reformat- is failing on Roger's machine is that
he is running an early version of -reformat- that was expecting -xi-
created variables to start with "I", the default in Stata 6. This prefix
was changed to "_I" in Stata 7. The most recent version of -reformat- is
1.1.3, available from (e.g. type "net from"; in Stata). To check which version of
-reformat- you are currently running type "which reformat" in Stata.

Tony Brady

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