Here is the version of rndt.ado that I have in my working file. I did not
have any problems running it. I'm not sure how you had lines disjoined.
Joe Hilbe
*!version 1.1.1 2000 Joseph Hilbe
* version 1.0.0 1993 Joseph Hilbe (sg44: STB-28)
* Student's t distribution random number generator (optional noncentral)
* Example: rndt 1000 10 3 [set obs 1000; 10 is the degrees of freedom;
* 3 is the noncentrality ]
program define rndt
version 3.1
set type double
cap drop xt
qui {
local cases `1'
set obs `cases'
mac shift
local df `1'
mac shift
local delta `1'
if "`delta'" != "" { local labl = "noncentral " }
else { local delta = 0 }
tempvar ran1 z
noi di in gr "( Generating " _c
local i=1
gen `z'=invnorm(uniform()) + `delta'
gen `ran1'=0
while `i'<=`df' {
replace `ran1' = `ran1'+ (invnorm(uniform()))^2
local i=`i'+1
noi di in gr "." _c
gen xt = `z'/sqrt(`ran1'/`df')
noi di in gr " )"
noi di in bl "Variable " in ye "xt " in bl "created."
lab var xt "`labl't random variable"
set type float
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