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st: RE: Problems with ssc

From   Kit Baum for the RePEc Team <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: RE: Problems with ssc
Date   Tue, 01 Oct 2002 12:40:18 -0400

Indeed, the top-level stata.toc file was missing. Not sure why (or when). But it is there now, as 'net from' will show. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

'ssc describe...' or 'ssc install...' do not travel through the hierarchy, but go directly to the specified directory, so they were not affected.


--On Tuesday, October 1, 2002 17:28 +0100 Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:

Hoetker, Glenn
Hi.  The last two days, I have been unable to access the
ssc-ideas via Stata.  I do the following:

* Go to the Help menu/STB & user-written programs
* In the viewer, click on   "STB and more";
* Click on     "users     materials by various people including
StataCorp employees"
* Click on     "ssc-ideas         Boston College SSC
archive, programs
posted to Statalist"

At this point, I get the following error message:

"file not found either
  1)  is not a valid URL, or
  2)  could not be contacted, or
  3)  is not a Stata download site (has no stata.toc file).

current site is still


Oddly, "ssc whatsnew" from the command line works fine.  I
can get to via my web browser, so I don't
think it's a
DNS problem.

Is anyone else experiencing this difficulty?  Can anyone make
suggestions as to how to fix the problem?  I am using a
fully up-to-date
Stata/SE v7 on Windows XP.
You're right. This particular gateway is blocked.

But, as you exemplify, the -ssc- command gets you there directly.

[email protected]

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
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