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st: Re: Cannot update Stata using 'update' function

From   [email protected] (Alan Riley)
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Cannot update Stata using 'update' function
Date   Mon, 30 Sep 2002 13:17:42 -0500

Alfred C. Drury ([email protected]) wrote
> I am using Stata on a Windows XP Pro (SP1) with a T-Base/100 connection
> through my university.  I have all of the recent patches for Windows.
> When I try to use the update query command (or a net search), I am
> either told the connection timed out or
> "
> red+probit could not be opened for read by copytextfile" (this is after
> several minutes of trying).
> ...

There are many things that can cause such a problem, such as a
misconfigured internet setting on an indivdual comptuer, a
problem with a router on the internet somewhere between Alfred
and, or even a permission problem with the temporary
directory on the local computer.

Alfred should contact Stata Technical Services via

They will take him through a series of steps to help diagnose the
problem.  They likely will ask him to

   . set more off
   . set debug on
   . set netdebug on

and then try -update- again.  This will produce reams of output
that will be helpful in diagnosing the issue.

([email protected])
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