> Is there a better way of trucating a string variable? I
> just wanted to delete the
> last two characters of a variable and had to do use the
> reverse() function
> gen str20 newdose = reverse(substr(reverse(dose),3,.)
> I was wondering whether it would have been better to have
> the option in
> substr() to go backwards along the
> string perhaps instead of having a . having a -. :) hence
> instead of going
> to the end of the string with the .
> you could actually go to the start of the string....?
In addition to Michael Blasnik's comment, note
that that substr(<string>,-2,2) returns the
last two characters of <string>, either a string
variable or a specified string, although Adrian wants the
Depending on why you want to delete the
last two characters, there may be another
solution with -subinstr()-.
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