I certainly second the notes of Stephen.
THe major problem of Win+Ms is an increasing tendency to decide how people
should like to work. (notice should not would). An example: Since setup of
win programs is a long process and the faster of the two PC's were better
fit with the setup on the harddisk in a slower one I wished to change.
Somehow to protect against software piracy I most likely have to reinstall
everything on both machines to continue - it should be noted that the two
PC's accepted the harddisks at bios level.
So - by all means give the user full control. We need software such as
Stata, StatTransfer, EpiData and the like which can be copied from one
place to another and still work without long install routines. Obviously I
assume everyone pays for their tools - I would not have my car repaired by
a mechanics using stolen tools.
Jens M. Lauritsen, Consultant,MD. PhD. Odense, Denmark.
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* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/