Richard Hoskins <[email protected]> wrote,
> [...] I assume that Stata monitors the list, but is there an "official" way
> to get bright ideas into the Version 8 idea hopper?
Yes we do monitor the list, and we partipate, too.
Most people send post their wishes to the list (where I assure they are not
ignored even if we do not respond), some send them to <[email protected]>
(where they are also not ignored and you get a personal reply), and some send
them directly to me, <[email protected]>, from whence you will also get a
My preference is that ideas go to Statalist because they sometimes cause
comments that are themselves helpful. If you have a long list, however, send
it to me; I always enjoy responding to good ideas.
-- Bill
William Gould
President, StataCorp
[email protected]
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