Thanks to Kit Baum, the -egenmore- package has been
updated on SSC. Install in an up-to-date Stata by
. ssc inst egenmore
. ssc inst egenmore, replace
as the case may be. If that last sentence
is gibberish, please consult the first
URL under my signature.
-egenmore- includes various user-written
-egen- functions by various hands: Kit Baum,
Steven Stillman and Nick Winter contributed code
in addition to myself as maintainer.
The addition is a single function, -sieve()-,
for working with string variables.
It requires Stata 7. (Most functions
in -egenmore- require only Stata 6.)
Given a string variable strvar the
result of
. egen newvar = sieve(strvar)
is a new string variable containing characters
from strvar. Depending on the syntax,
you can select classes of characters
or keep or omit specified characters.
This function grew out of a discussion
with Stata user Jerry Wright of Indiana
Other user-written -egen- functions may
be identified by
. findit egen
[email protected]
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