Yap Keng Loong wrote
> i like to know what commands to use if i want to
> compare weight and unweighted statistics in the
> dataset.
It depends a bit on the number and nature of the statistics you want to
compare. A general way may be to calculate weighted and unweighted statistics
and store the results in a postfile. Use the following as a starting point
and take a look at -help post- for more informations.
postfile stats weight uweight using myfile, replace
foreach var of varlist myvars {
summarize `var' [weight=wvar] /* Or whatever statistic you like */
local weight = r(mean)
summarize `var'
local uweight = r(mean)
post stats (`weight') (`uweight')
postclose stats
use myfile, clear
gen diff = uweight - weight
list uweight weight diff
[email protected]
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