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Re: st: RE: Surveys manipulation

From   Martin Harry Vargas Barrenechea <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: RE: Surveys manipulation
Date   Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:00:05 -0400 (BOT)

in the case :
do you have two groups,
y group1 group2
1 1      1
2 1      2
3 2      2
but the groups not have the same number of components, in the survey case
the problem is similar. do you have two options

1. xtile y [fw = factor], nq(5)
2 do needs use the command expand, sort the variable, create an count, and
generate five groups.


> One way is to figure out the WEIGHTED cut points of the quintiles
> (1/5*sum of the weights) and create them yourself.  Or one of the
> commands allow aweights, which will give you the correct point
> estimates, but not the correct standard errors.
> As always with percentile measures, be wary of ties, and consider if
> you will need to split weights to get exactly 20% in each group.
> Bryan Sayer
> Statistician, SSS Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Sent: 9/18/02 7:15 PM
> Subject: st: Surveys manipulation
> I am doing some research with a houshold survey, however, I'm facing
> the
> following problem:
> To generate consumption quintiles among the survey population first I
> sort the
> data according to consumption and then generate five groups. However,
> when
> weighting the data each group previously generated does not hold
> anymore the 20%
> of the population. Here comes my question, how can I generate quintiles
> in a
> survey taking into account sampling weights.
> Can anyone help me?
> Marcelo
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