Hello -
When I try to reshape my data from long to wide I end up with far less
observations than there is. I have total of 408 observations, instead I can
only get 207 after reshaping the data. The long shaped data has the
following vars:
no str3 %3s
date str9 %9s
question str14 %14s
answer str80 %80s
Below is the do file I am running. Any help would be greatly appreciated -
*As data in "ans" contains almost just real numbers, I would split the
*process into two parts: First part, the real numbers take less memory than
*Second part, the strings.
*Then merge the two parts together.
*For the first part generate a variable, which contains the contents
*of "ans" as a number:
* First Part
* ----------
use survey.dta,clear /* Change to the name of your data */
gen v = real(ans)
*Then reshape this variable, and only the question, which has "real"
*numbers as answers:
drop ans
keep if v ~= .
*Reshape with the string option after changing the
*points in the question numbers into "_" (or something else).
replace question = subinstr(question,".","_",.)
reshape wide v, i(no) j(question) string
sort no
save part1, replace
* Second Part
* -----------
use survey, clear /* Change to the name of your data */
*Reshape the "real" string-data.
gen v = real(ans)
keep if v == .
drop v
ren ans v
replace question = subinstr(question,".","_",.)
reshape wide v, i(no) j(question) string
sort no
save part2, replace
* Merge the two parts together
* ----------
use part1, clear
merge no using part2
assert _merge==3 /* Something is wrong if assertion is false */
drop _merge
aorder /* Dont' like the order of vars? Use this or "order" */
save merge, replace
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/