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st: generating a 0,1 variable which depends on lag values

From   "Nisha Malhotra" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: generating a 0,1 variable which depends on lag values
Date   Wed, 11 Sep 2002 18:33:57 -0400


I am facing a problem creating a binary variable.
I have a large panel data set. The three important variables are Year, Industry, Action taken by an industry ( variable that takes the value 0 if no action was taken and 1 if one action was taken and 2 if two actions were taken and so on )

The data looks something like this
Year  Industry  Action
90        A       0
91        A       0
92        A       2
93        A       0
90        B       1
91        B       0
92        B       0
93        B       1

I want to create a binary variable say BB, which takes the value 0 if no prior action(in the previous years) has been taken by an industry and 1 if  some positive action has been taken by an industry in the previous years.
Year  Industry  Action   BB
90        A       0       0
91        A       0       0
92        A       2       1
93        A       0       1  
90        B       1       1  
91        B       0       1
92        B       0       1
93        B       1       1

I would really appreciate if someone can help me out with this.
Thanks in advance

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