Radu Ban <[email protected]> wrote
> For a program, I want to input a numerical list into a matrix.
> I want to store the list in a local so that I can modify it easily.
> I'm looking at something like:
> local nlist "10(5)90 91(1)99 99.1(0.1)99.9 99.91(0.01)99.99"
> but then, if I use:
> tokenize "`nlist'"
> and try to see if i'm doing the right thing by:
> di `1'
> i get an invalid syntax error.
> Furthermore, I'm not sure how to get the size of the numlist so that
I can
> initialize my matrix with:
> matrix A = J(1, size_of_numlist, 0)
> Can anyone give me some suggestions?
First, -tokenize- does not know or care that your input is a numlist.
It just chops it blindly into pieces of text, parsing on spaces, as
you specified no alternative. After -tokenize- local macro 1
which you could -display- but only by forcing the interpretation
as a string:
di "`1'"
But that's neither here nor there. What you want can be done first
through -numlist-
numlist "`nlist'"
which leaves behind the expanded numlist, so we can count elements
local nn : word count `r(numlist)'
and then initialise the matrix
mat A = J(1,`nn',0)
and then replace element by element
tokenize `r(numlist)'
forval i = 1/`nn' {
mat A[1,`i'] = ``i''
[email protected]
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