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st: survival analysis with interval censored data

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: survival analysis with interval censored data
Date   Thu, 5 Sep 2002 20:16:20 +0200

Dear Stata users,

Thank you for the answers to my last question concerning stratified
estimation. I have another question about survival analysis. The data that
I use is interval censored.
The founding dates of firms are known to belong to one of the groups:
1) before 1970
2) 1970-1980
3) 1981-1985
4) 1986-1990
5) 1991
6) 1992
7) 1993
8) 1994
9) 1995
The exit dates are given precisely, by month/day/year starting
from 1995. This means the intervals are not disjoint. For example, a firm
founding date in group 3 and an exit year 1996 could have a survival time
in the interval [11,15] whereas a firm with founding date in group 4 and an
exit year 1999 could have survived for any time in the interval [9,13].
There appear to be ways to solve the problem expanding the dataset and
using binary regression methods. Moreover, I heard that SAS has some option
for interval censored data. Which would be the best way to solve this
problem with STATA? Maybe someone has already written a program?

Thank you in advance

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