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st: Summing up values specific for each individual.

From   "Kompal Sinha" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Summing up values specific for each individual.
Date   Wed, 4 Sep 2002 12:30:42 +1000

Dear All,

I am working with household data and my problem is something like this.

For each household I have 'j' items where 'j' varies for each household. I
want to find the sum of these items for each household.

For example:

HHid    item code  amount consumed

501          2           2
501          5           3
501          6           1
501          8           5
501         10           6
501         11           2

502          2           5
502          6           8
502          7           2
502         13           9
502         15           3
502         16           5
502         1            3

In the above example I want to find the sum of the third column(amount
consumed) for each household and place this sum in the fourth column such
that the sum is repeated '
j' times for one household. As I have 69000 households, I wonder if there is
a command or a program is STATA that can do this for me. Also the number of
items consumed by each household varies.
I thank you for your help in advance.

Kompal Sinha.

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