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st: Statalist etiquette

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Statalist etiquette
Date   Mon, 2 Sep 2002 12:05:43 +0100


Someone wrote 

> It's probably against etiquette to ask the same question again

This issue, raised in one current thread, is germane to several 

It is addressed in detail in the Statalist FAQ. Please see

In brief: 

1. If you got no answer first time, consider why that was. 
Perhaps your question was unclear and needs rewording. 

2. Three reposts of the same question, and you are out of 

ASCII, not HTML etc. 

Another issue which will not go away is the Statalist 
request for everyone to use plain ASCII format, not (e.g.) 
HTML-enabled text, and for everyone not to use attachments. 

I know from bitter experience that it is easy  
to goof on this, as when someone's else winmail.dat
gets attached to my replies, like dirt sticking to a shoe. 
Also, not everyone has control over their own email 
settings, especially in some corporate situations. 

However, the injunction against HTML and attachments 
is based on very good principles, including 

0. Viruses and other nasty things are spread this way.  

1. Not everyone's mailer is configured to interpret
these beasts. 

2. Many people get Statalist in digest form:  
attachments and HTML-enabled text are often 
rendered totally unreadable by the digesting

3. Some of the people who are most active in 
answering questions on Statalist just will 
not read such posts, as a matter of principle. 

For these reasons, you make answers to your 
questions less likely if you do not follow
the ASCII way. 

The Statalist FAQ points to a very 
detailed statement at


[email protected] 
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