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st: What is wrong with the anova statement below?

From   "Banya, Winston" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: What is wrong with the anova statement below?
Date   Tue, 27 Aug 2002 12:15:48 +0100

Dear ALL,

I have a demonstration data set shown below. The design is that two
observers paid two separate visits to each subject and made a measurement
called q1 for illustration purpose only. I am interested in determining all
the various components of the variance. i.e. between subjects, observer,
visits and the within components as well. I have not used STATA to do this
kind of analysis before so I followed the manual but received an error
message as shown below. What did I get wrong and could someone please show
me the correct way of getting what I want?

Many thanks

Winston Banya
Care of The Elderly Section
Imperial College School of Medicine
Hamersmith Hospital Campus
Du Cane Road
London W12 0NN

Tel: (+44) 0208 383 4284
Fax: (+44) 0208 383 3378
Email: [email protected]

. tabdisp subject visit observer , cell(q1)

          |    observer and visit   
          | ---- 1 ---    ---- 2 ---
  subject |    1     2       1     2
        1 |    7     5       8     9
        2 |  6.7   8.9     6.9   7.4
        3 | 12.3    11      13    16
        4 |   12    11     7.8     9
        5 |  6.9   6.4      12    13
        6 |    8   6.8      11  13.2
        7 |   16    15      10   9.8
        8 |   12  11.4     9.9   8.4
        9 |  8.2   7.8     7.6   6.9
       10 |  7.2   8.5     5.6   6.1

. anova q1 observer / visit | subject observer*subject , repeated(subject) 
could not determine between-subject error term; use bse() option

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