Philip Greenwood
> >> I'm wondering if there is a way save the entire output of
> >> any given command to, say, a macro.
> >>
> >> (I am writing an ado file that runs commands on multiple
> >> datasets and would like to be able to suppress output as in
> >> -quietly-, but then re-display it with a message that is
> >> particular to each dataset - but only if the given command
> >> produces an output!)
> >
> > You could accumulate output as a long string of characters
> > in a macro, punctuated by SMCL directives. The limits are
> > documented under -help limits-.
> >
> > Alternatively, you could route output using -file- as lines of
> > text to a file and -type- that only under certain conditions.
> > Again, SMCL directives would make that most attractive.
> >
> > Without knowing more about your problem, however,
> > I suspect that there are more direct ways to tackle this.
> Maybe the best way to elucidate the problem is to give a
> little example.
> My command is called -mido-.
> Typing:
> - mido recode var1 1=2 -
> displays:
> -> dataset = _mitemp1.dta
> (1077 changes made)
> -> dataset = _mitemp2.dta
> (1077 changes made)
> -> dataset = _mitemp3.dta
> (1077 changes made)
> -> dataset = _mitemp4.dta
> (1077 changes made)
> -> dataset = _mitemp5.dta
> (1077 changes made)
> whereas typing:
> - mido generate sex=1 -
> currently displays:
> -> dataset = _mitemp1.dta
> -> dataset = _mitemp2.dta
> -> dataset = _mitemp3.dta
> -> dataset = _mitemp4.dta
> -> dataset = _mitemp5.dta
> The terminal output in the -recode- case is fine. However
> the -generate- output is a little odd. -generate- doesn't
> normally display anything and I would prefer it if -mido
> generate..- also didn't produce any terminal output.
> I thought that if could suppress the terminal output and
> save it to a macro, then i could test to see if it's
> non-empty and only then display it with the "dataset =..".
> Nick's first idea of accumulating the output as a long
> string of characters in a macro might then achieve this -
> but I don't know how it's done.
It would be easier to advise given a sight of your do file.
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