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st: Can p value levels and corresponding symbols be changed to match sociological journal conventions using outreg command

From   "Conrad Hackett" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Can p value levels and corresponding symbols be changed to match sociological journal conventions using outreg command
Date   Mon, 19 Aug 2002 11:12:49 -0400

I am shamelessly trying to expedite the process of moving regression
output into the standard table format for sociology journals. Can anyone
suggest a way to modify the outreg command so that it generates the
following symbols for p-values: "+" if p<.10, "*" if p<.05, "**" if
p<.01, "***" if p<.001 ?   

Is there an easy way to get these symbols to occupy their own column
adjacent to the column for coefficients and standard errors when the
file is imported into Excel (so that columns will be nicely aligned)? In
other words, can the symbols automatically be separated, in Stata or
Excel, from the numbers they are appended to and moved into a separate

Thanks in advance for any help on this relatively minor matter.

Conrad Hackett
Ph.D. candidate
Sociology Department
Princeton University  

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