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st: How many statistics can be bootstrapped by one program?

From   Olena Stavrunova <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: How many statistics can be bootstrapped by one program?
Date   Sun, 18 Aug 2002 14:23:53 -0500

Dear Sirs,
I need to bootstrap a large number of statistics, actually, it is 5 
statistics,  calculated for the different year-category groups of the data 
set. Up to now I have no luck in obtaining bootstrap estimates for the number 
of statistics larger than 4.
I use the following program, which works fine for 4 statistics :
program define jobflo
	version 6.0
	if "`1'" == "?" {
		global S_1 "POS_98 NEG_98 POS_99 NEG_99"
local i=1998
 while `i'<=1999 {
summarize pos if year == `i'
 local bf`i' = r(sum)
summarize neg if year == `i'
 local cd`i' = r(sum)
summarize xit if year == `i'
local ef`i' = r(sum)
local gh`i'  = `bf`i' ' / `ef`i''
 local jk`i' = `cd`i' '/`ef`i''
 local i = `i'+1
	post `1' `gh1998' `jk1998'  `gh1999' `jk1999'

However, if I add one more statistic for calculation so that the program looks 
program define jobflo1
	version 6.0
	if "`1'" == "?" {
		global S_1 "POS_98 NEG_98 NET_98 POS_99 NEG_99 NET_99"
local i=1998
 while `i'<=1999 {
summarize pos if year == `i'
 local bf`i' = r(sum)
summarize neg if year == `i'
 local cd`i' = r(sum)
summarize xit if year == `i'
local ef`i' = r(sum)
local gh`i'  = `bf`i'' / `ef`i''
local jk`i' = `cd`i''/`ef`i''
local tf`i' = `gh`i'' - 'jk`i''

local i = `i'+1
	post `1' `gh1998' `jk1998'  `tf1998' `gh1999' `jk1999' `tf1998'

I get the Stata message " 'jk1998' invalid name". Please, note, that I added 
one more statistic for calculation, which is tf`i' and that 'jk1998' did not 
create any problems in the first program. PLease, note also, that in the data 
set there are only 4 variables called pos, neg, xit, year
  I would highly appreciate, if somebody explains me what can be the reason of 
my problem.
Thank you very much. 

Olena Stavrunova
S216 Pappajohn
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1000

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