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[no subject]

So my question is, like Nick's: is there a way to "translate" pweights into a or
f weights, or using the p's as a's is ok as long as you just want point
Does it make any sense to revise the ado files and adapt them to pweights (say,
by replacing sum with svymean, etc., within the programs)? I can do this, but
only if it makes sense of course!
Finally, I am using the British Houshold Panel Survey (cross sections in
principle), if it helps at all. Excuse me if this is not a Stata question: if
using only  observations that are present in every wave, but analysing only
cross sections, is it better to use the weights, or just discard them?
Longitudinal weights take attrition into account, but I think the cross section
ones do not.

Thank you very much

All the best,


The relevant quoted messages are:
31204 st: RE: inequality indexes and weighting Sayer, Bryan Thu� 4/4/2002
31181 Re: st: RE: inequality indexes and weighting Stephen P. Jenkins Thu
31172 st: RE: inequality indexes and weighting Nick Cox Wed� 4/3/2002
31171 st: inequality indexes and weighting Michael R. Smith Wed� 4/3/2002
30645 st: RE: pweights and lrtest Sayer, Bryan Mon� 3/11/2002

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