Nazaria Solferino asked, in reply to my earlier posting,
Could you give me some suggestions about transformation?
>>> One source of principles and prejudices on transformation
is obtained by typing in Stata
. view
If you want a copy for yourself, just use Stata's
-copy- command.
I see that document was last revised in 1999. These
days I am more inclined to point to generali{s|z}ed
linear models as a deeper solution. There is
a very good pedagogic paper
Lane, P.W. 2002. Generalized linear models
in soil science. European Journal of Soil
Science 53, 241-251
which focuses on the merits of transformation
as compared with generalized linear models.
I owe this reference to Stata user Allan Reese.
You may be able to access it electronically.
Don't be put off by the mention of soil science;
you don't need to understand anything much about
soil science. The examples are, as it were,
just like the auto data.
[email protected]
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