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st: Graphics translation: eps bounding box question

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Graphics translation: eps bounding box question
Date   Wed, 7 Aug 2002 17:05:19 +0200

Dear list readers,

I have encountered the following problem:
In the course of some descriptive analysis I need to create a total of ca.
120 graphs in Stata (MS Windows System). I have written a loop to do this
efficiently, and everything is fine to this end.
Now I want to convert part of the graphs to .eps format, in order to
include them into my LaTeX document. This can be done by typing something
- translate graphi`i'.gph graph`i'.eps -
in my loop. There are two problems with the bounding box of the resulting

1) The bounding box is not given in integers, but as i.e. "0.000 0.000
432.000 288.000". This causes ghostview/-script to complain. It should be
"0 0 432 288".
2) The bounding box is calculated too large, leaving white space below the
graph. In my case this is about 1/3 of the whole picture.

I would be very happy if at least problem 1) could be solved somehow from
within Stata (or in some other way). If the bb is given in integers,
epstool can correct the size of the bb. As long as the bb is not in
integers, epstool refuses to work.

Any help is very much appreciated.
Best regards,

Eva Poen
St. Gallen, Switzerland

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