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st: generating a variable

From   Grafstein <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: generating a variable
Date   Wed, 07 Aug 2002 06:21:39 -0500


I have a pooled cross-sectional data set with thousands of
individual-level observations including a variable that indicates each
individual's state of residence (RES) for the particular year of that
observation.  For each of those years I also have a two-variable data
set.  One variable, with fifty observations, is a list of the states
(STATE).  The other (AGG), with fifty observations, provides aggregate
data for those states.  Is there a way to generate a new variable which,
appropriate to the year, assigns each individual the aggregate datum
based on the individual's residence?  That is, is there a way short of
the obvious brute-force method?  Thanks.


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