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Re: st: correlations in time in long format

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: correlations in time in long format
Date   Tue, 6 Aug 2002 15:11:45 +0100

[email protected]

I have a simple dataset with incomes and other variables in long form.
I need to
compute the covariance between a variable in time 1 with a variable in
time 2.
I know how to do this by transforming the dataset into a wide format,
but I
would rather use the long form.
The dataset is something like this (note that y1 y2 a1 a2 are just the
variable by period of time):

id   t    y    a    y1   y2   a1   a2
1    1    10   3    10   .    3    .
2    1    20   4    20   .    4    .
3    1    30   5    30   .    5    .
1    2    11   5    .    11   .    5
2    2    22   6    .    22   .    6
3    2    33   7    .    33   .    7

I need the correlation between, say, y1/a2 and y2/a1 by id. Collapsing
dataset works fine (giving basically the wide form), but I thought
there might
be a simple way of creating a new variable containing the information
for each
id but from the other period of time, in my case for instance a
variable like aa
that just inverts the order of the original a:
id   t    aa   a1   a2
1    1    5    3    .
2    1    6    4    .
3    1    7    5    .
1    2    3    .    5
2    2    4    .    6
3    2    5    .    7

I hope my question is clear enough. Thank you very much!

>>> I am not clear on how you want this information, but
with just two time periods here is one way of
getting your -aa- variable

gen a = max(a1, a2)
bysort id : gen aa = a[3 - _n]

Within each id, _n takes on two values 1 and 2. _n of 1 gives
3 - _n of 2, and _n of 2 gives 3 - _n of 1.

We don't even need to sort within -id- on time, although that
would do no harm:

bysort id (time) : gen aa = a[3 - _n]

[email protected]

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