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st: combinig two variables into one

From   [email protected]
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: combinig two variables into one
Date   Thu, 1 Aug 2002 11:54:59 -0400


I have two variables which I need to use to generate a new variable. to be more
specific, suppose I have variable X (which is a numeric string) and variable Y
(which is numeric). the observations are as follows:

X                                      Y

2  23  3000                    2
212343000                   3
2     4       20                 12

and I need to generate a new variable, say Z which looks like

2  23  3000  2
212343000  3
2    4        2012

can someone suggest whats the best way of handling this problem?

Pooja Gupta

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