This is a repeat of a question from last November, but I couldn't find an
answer on the archive, and am hoping by now maybe someone can help.
Below is the old question. I am using
reg3 ( time inf_nos inf_graph freq_nos freq_graph scrap defects ttls
def) (scrap inf_nos inf_graph freq_nos freq_graph time defects ttls def) (
defects inf_nos inf_graph freq_nos freq_graph time scrap ttls def)
but am having the same problem. Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
Dear Stata users,
I was trying to use the reg3 command in Stata7 to determine a basketball
player's wage and team tenure via reg3:
The estimation is:
reg3 (salary tenure tenure2 experience experience2 draft player size all
star games direct performance indirect performance) (tenure draft all star
games direct performance indirect performance experience experience2 player
However an error message popped up:
Equation is not identified--does not meet order conditions
Equation salary : salary tenure tenure2 experience experience2 draft all
star game player size direct performance indirect performance
Exogenous variables: tenure2 experience experience2 draft all star game
player size direct performance indirect performance
Any help out there?
Thank you very much
Joel E. Pike
School of Business
University of Wisconsin
1238 Grainger Hall
975 University Avenue
Madison, WI 53706-1323
Tel: 608-265-4830