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st: RE: RE: RE: create many variables at once

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: RE: create many variables at once
Date   Tue, 23 Jul 2002 16:46:01 +0100

[email protected] commented on various solutions with -for*-:

> The above solutions reminded me that -for-'s functionality
> hasn't quite been
> subsumed by the introduction of -foreach- and -forvalues-
> as I have been
> prone to believe.  In version 6, I was quite content using
> the set of
> looping commands (tokenize, while, etc.) and hadn't got to
> learning -for-
> just yet.  Thus, when -foreach- and -forvalues- came about
> with Stata 7, I
> saw no reason to bother with it.   But the solutions are excellent
> illustrations that -for-'s sometimes results in more
> succinct and, arguably,
> elegant solutions as it avoids unnecessary looping.
> To right the wrong, I looked up for.hlp once more and noted small
> inconsistency the examples provided.  The last example reads:
> (begin excerpt)
>         . for any male female: save c:\data\X if sex=="X"
> will not work.  for will think there are three commands:
>         save c:
>         data
>         X if sex=="X"
> Instead, you must type
>         . for any male female: save "c:\data\X" if sex=="X"
> (end of excerpt)
> The last line won't work either since the syntax of save
> doesn't allow  the
> [if exp] condition -- a non-feature that I, among others,
> wouldn't mind
> seeing implemented in -save- BTW. ;)  (NB: I know it's been
> discussed on the
> list before)

I agree that the -for- solution is neater here for the problem posed.

However, much of the engineering work behind -for- was done precisely
to achieve this result.

That is, -for- is optimised for what I think of as "parallel"

do something with the ith member of this list
[ and the ith member of that list
[ and the ith member of THAT list

for i = 1, ..., I

so that there are I results.

In contrast, -foreach- and -forvalues- grow very well indeed with
"nested" problems:

do something with the ith member of this list
[ and the jth member of that list
[ and the kth member of that list

for i = 1, ..., I
    j = 1, ..., J
    k = 1, ..., K

so that there are I * J * K * ... results.

On the whole, I think nested problems are more common in
(my) Stata practice.

On the face of it, it is difficult to devise a simple syntax
to cope with both kinds of problems. Some would argue that
it is difficult to devise a simple syntax to cope with parallel

Having said that, note that Kit Baum provided an
approach using -foreach- to the original problem.

[email protected]

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