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st: RE: Re: entering data

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: entering data
Date   Mon, 22 Jul 2002 12:03:27 +0100

[email protected]

> can anyone help me with the following awkward task.
> I have generated variables a and b  ,so as to form a triangular 
> distribution,hence a  non -normal one.I saved the data as 
> clt.dta  and then I 
> ran the following commands for 100 times and ended up with 
> the following,(I am 
> only using the commands associated with sample of 32,to 
> save space.But I ran 
> the 100 commands for a sample of 2 ,to get the feel of the 
> resulting 
> distribution,)
> .What I tried to do then was to enter the means of a and b 
> for each run of the 
> commands,but soon enough I discovered that it was an 
> awkward task.I believe 
> that in nc151 there was a part which dealt with zeroing on 
> specific columns to 
> retrieve returned data.Can anyone help me with that,thus 
> saving me from going 
> through all that work of rewriting and then reentering the 
> specific data in 
> edit.
> Thanks 
> . use clt ,clear
> . sample 32
> (68 observations deleted)
> . summarize
> Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
> ---------+-----------------------------------------------------
>        a |      32    55.03125   30.70619          5        100  
>        b |      32    18.34375    10.2354   1.666667   33.33333  

< snip > 

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[email protected] 
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