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Re: st: RE: Programming Problem

From   Antoine Terracol <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Programming Problem
Date   Fri, 19 Jul 2002 18:37:02 +0200


Here's a quick-and-dirty solution that seems to work. it uses local macros and scalars, so it's pretty fast. I guess you'll find a way to pass the number of votes from the dataset to scalars.
however, the sequence of dividers here is "1,2,3,4,...,m"

Hope this helps,

/*fill in the number of seats and the number of parties*/
local totalseat=6
local nbparties=4

/*fill in the number of votes*/
scalar nbvp1=41000
scalar nbvp2=29000
scalar nbvp3=17000
scalar nbvp4=13000

local i=1
while `i'<=`nbparties' {
local nbs`i'=0
scalar nbv`i'=scalar(nbvp`i') /*scalars to be divided during the loop*/
local i=`i'+1

local string "scalar(nbv1)"
local i=2
while `i'<=`nbparties' {
local string "`string', scalar(nbv`i')" /*builds the list of votes to be compared*/
local i=`i'+1

local i=1
while `i'<=`totalseat' {
local j=1
local done=0
while `j'<=`nbparties' {
if scalar(nbv`j')==max(`string') & `done'==0 {
local nbs`j'=`nbs`j''+1 /*increment the number of seats*/
local done=1
scalar nbv`j'=scalar(nbvp`j')/`nbs`j'' /*divide total votes by number of seats+1*/

local j=`j'+1
local i=`i'+1
local i=1
while `i'<=`nbparties' {
di "Party `i' gets `nbs`i'' seats"
local i=`i'+1

Guido Tiemann wrote:

At 11:17 19.07.2002 -0400, you wrote:

I'm not entirely clear on the algorithm here.  Is it:

1. Assign a seat to current highest vote getter.
2. Divide that party's votes by (1+number of seats they've been awarded
so far).
3. Return to step 1, until all seats are assigned.

Yep, you are quite right, Nick. Sorry, if I did not clarify this point. There is only one qualification, I would like to add to my former posting: The sequence of divisors might also be a different one, for instance, 1 - 3 - 5 (or even 1.4 - 3 - 5) for the method of (modified) Sainte Lague. In addition, I would like to preserve the initial votes that will be needed for further calculations, and the data set is rather huge (about 200 meg). As a consequence, my "brutal" slope + dummy approach took really long ...

Guido Tiemann

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