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st: Adjust after poisson regression

From   "Anne-Helen Harding" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Adjust after poisson regression
Date   Wed, 17 Jul 2002 16:29:00 +0100

I would like to calculate age adjusted incidence rates per 1000 person-years
for each category of my exposure variable, but I'm having difficulty getting
them and would be very grateful if anyone could point me in the right

This is what I have done so far. I have individual person data with years of
follow-up. I -stsplit- the data into seven agebands, and calculated the
number of person-years for each ageband. Then I fitted a poisson regression
model, including the outcome variable (disease/no disease), agebands,
exposure (4 categories) and person-years of follow-up (Stata output given
below). Then I used -adjust-  with the -exp ci- options to get age-adjusted
incidence rates with confidence intervals for each of my four categories of
exposure. Is this the correct/best method of getting age-adjusted incidence
rates? The incidence rates given by -adjust- are per person-year, but I
would like incidence rates per 1000 person-years together with a 95%
confidence interval. Can anyone suggest how I could calculate these?

I also have a query about the output from -adjust-. I imagined that the
incidence rates given by the -exp- option were simply the exponentiated
values of the predicted values given by -xb-. But judging from my output,
this clearly isn't the case. Any insights into this would be much

Many thanks.



. stset exit, failure(CC) id(id) origin(time entry) scale(365.25)
. . . . . . . . . . .

. stsplit ageband, at(45(5)70) after(time=dob)
. . .. . . . . . . . .

. gen pyear = _t - _t0

. xi: poisson CC i.ageband i.exp4, e(pyear)
i.ageband         _Iageband_0-70      (naturally coded; _Iageband_0 omitted)
i.exp4             _Iexp4_1-4           (naturally coded; _Iexp4_1 omitted)

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -1037.4761
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -1037.4761

Poisson regression                                Number of obs   =
                                                  LR chi2(9)      =
                                                  Prob > chi2     =
Log likelihood = -1037.4761                       Pseudo R2       =

          CC |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
_Iageband_45 |   1.040127   1.069059     0.97   0.331    -1.055189
_Iageband_50 |   .3947027   1.030789     0.38   0.702    -1.625607
_Iageband_55 |   1.056793   1.019859     1.04   0.300    -.9420931
_Iageband_60 |   1.192617   1.017726     1.17   0.241    -.8020903
_Iageband_65 |   1.324562   1.015631     1.30   0.192    -.6660373
_Iageband_70 |   .8593928   1.008605     0.85   0.394    -1.117437
    _Iexp4_2 |  -.0992991   .2107329    -0.47   0.637     -.512328
    _Iexp4_3 |  -.0720948   .2074217    -0.35   0.728    -.4786339
    _Iexp4_4 |  -.4293346   .2291571    -1.87   0.061    -.8784743
       _cons |  -6.237414   1.009309    -6.18
0.000    -8.215623   -4.259204
       pyear | (exposure)

. adjust, by(exp4) exp ci

Dependent variable: CC     Equation: CC     Command: poisson
   Variables left as is: _Iageband_45, _Iageband_50, _Iageband_55,
_Iageband_60, _Iageband_65,
                         _Iageband_70, _Iexp4_2, _Iexp4_3, _Iexp4_4

    exp4  |    exp(xb)          lb          ub
        1 |     .01149    [.008532    .015472]
        2 |    .012355    [.009037    .016892]
        3 |    .010575    [.007791    .014355]
        4 |    .008619    [.006015    .012349]
     Key:  exp(xb)    =  exp(xb)
           [lb , ub]  =  [95% Confidence Interval]

. adjust, by(exp4) se ci

Dependent variable: CC     Equation: CC     Command: poisson
   Variables left as is: _Iageband_45, _Iageband_50, _Iageband_55,
_Iageband_60, _Iageband_65,
                         _Iageband_70, _Iexp4_2, _Iexp4_3, _Iexp4_4

    exp4  |         xb        stdp          lb          ub
        1 |   -7.66225    (.15185)   [-7.95987   -7.36462]
        2 |   -4.78092   (.159579)   [-5.09368   -4.46815]
        3 |   -4.56331   (.155906)   [-4.86888   -4.25774]
        4 |   -5.91873   (.183514)   [-6.27841   -5.55905]
     Key:  xb         =  Linear Prediction
           stdp       =  Standard Error
           [lb , ub]  =  [95% Confidence Interval]

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