tempname A A1
sum `var'
matrix `A'=(`r(mean)')
matrix `A1'=nullmat(`A1')\`A'
The purpose of using tempnames, as we know, is to make all the names
temporary within this program in case any naming conflict from what's left
over before we invoke this program. No problem with it. However, it seems
that the last line "matrix `A1'=nullmat(`A1')\`A'" simply not working. I
have tried around and found out that I have to use a real named matrix like
A instead of the macro-referred `A' for this line of syntax to work. Is that
true that no matter what, I have to put a matrix name, instead of a local
macro after "\" to stack matrix? Thanks ahead!!!
Jun Xu
Department of Sociology
Indiana University at Bloomington
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