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st: One last question about egen

From   "Rodrigo Brice�o" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist (E-mail)" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: One last question about egen
Date   Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:16:43 -0600

Following with my previous doubts:  I have a hospital discharges database,
and two of the variables from the list are: diaest1 and clave1. i already
processed the data to find the 10 most frequently diagnoses with the help of
egen group. What do I need to do if I want the same thing, but this time I
want to separate the variable diaest1. Let's say that I need the first 10
diagnoses for the discharges that have a duration of 6 or more days, and the
first 10 diagnoses for the discharges that have a duration fewer than 2
days. I already make a variable with establish those durations (called

rank_estancia2=1 (diaest <2 days)
rank_estancia2=2 (diaest 2-5 days)
rank_estancia2=1 (diaest 6 or more days)

I tried to do something with egen group but my tries didn't seem to be
useful. I already tried typing: 
tabsort clave1 if rank_estancia2==1 & group<11 (where group being the
variable calculated for the first answer of the day to this list and Nick
Cox help me to build). Sorry for my ignorance.


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